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Crofton Anne-Dane



wellbeing poster 1.pdf


camhs resources poster.pdf




Our 'Eat Them To Defeat Them' 2022 challenge has begun!

The children have 4 weeks to munch on as many vegetables as possible to defeat them. 

This week's vegetables are peppers and the children made a great start defeating them today. We were so impressed with the children's enthusiasm when tasting the yummy pepper bread and pepper dip our brilliant catering team prepared for them. Lots of happy faces and children wanting more! 

Look out for the sticker packs the children brought home with them today, so they can continue to defeat the veg at home. 

Also, look out for the newsletter going out this week which will include more details about the challenge and include the pepper dip recipe. Great start Crofton Anne Dale Juniors. We will defeat them!



Ben and Jerry Presentation

What's Going on Link for Parents


Bounce Resources Pack

bounce back explanation for parents.pdf