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Crofton Anne-Dane

School Uniform



Infant School Uniform

Federation blue school jumper or cardigan to be worn with a grey skirt, pinafore dress or trousers (no leggings), white polo shirt, and black school shoes. Pale blue checked gingham dresses may also be worn in the summer.

PE kit: Navy blue shorts or tracksuit, plain pale blue t-shirts (logo t-shirt is available at Skoolkit but plain t-shirts are also fine) and trainers.

Children will also need a pair of wellies / waterproofs, that they can keep in school.

Junior School Uniform

In the winter the uniform consists of federation blue school jumper or cardigan worn over white polo shirts, and with grey or black trousers, skirts or pinafore dresses (no leggings).

In Summer, it consists of white polo shirts which may be worn with trousers, shorts or skirts in the same colour as for winter. Girls may wear pale blue gingham dresses.

Shoes should be enclosed black shoes, no heels. Sensible sandals which attach securely to the foot are permitted but must be worn with socks. No flip flops.

For PE a plain light blue T-shirt, no logos, from your local supermarket or skoolkit) and dark blue sports shorts/cycling shorts or plain dark blue leggings. For outdoor games lessons in the colder weather, children will need warmer outer clothing, a plain dark blue track suit or plain dark blue sweatshirt, and trainers. Children need to arrive at school wearing their P.E. kit on PE/Games days.

If children are engaged in Art / Craft work then they should wear a protective apron or art shirt.

Children are not allowed to wear jewellery, apart from small stud earrings which should be removed for PE or taped over. The child must do this themselves. Please provide your child with tape to keep at school if they are unable to remove their earrings.

Supplier: Skoolkit

www.skoolkit.co.uk Skoolkit Prices and Directions

The full range and additional items with the school logo may be bought directly from Skoolkit in Fareham or ordered on their website. Skoolkit also stock school branded book bags and fleeces (for outerwear only and not to replace a sweatshirt).

When searching for the school on Skoolkit, please select "Crofton Anne Dale Federation" for the new uniform

Labelling Clothes

It is important that all uniform is clearly named, including shoes, PE kit and lunch boxes, so that we can return lost items to the correct child.